Saturday, September 7, 2019

Strategic Leadership and Innovation at Apple Inc Essay

Strategic Leadership and Innovation at Apple Inc - Essay Example The researcher states that Apple Inc has had its patches of rough and dry in between, yet it has come out of the wood successfully on many occasions. The success has been a result of many factors, while some can be stretched to the excellence of the man himself Steve jobs, other to the performance of the overall unit, and the rest may contribute the success to the strategies. These strategies have been devised in form of long-term to short-term strategies. Since the departure of the legendary and visionary man, Apple needs to find the spark in some other form and some other person. A long-term strategy should be based on ensuring the continuation of the innovative models. Since Apple surpassed the rest with its feature of innovation. Performance indication is easily attainable through the scoreboard balance. It must do something to ensure that the string of first to market is not lost and at the same time, the shares in the market are equally maintained. The long-term strategy should be based on exploring other dimensions. They must not restrict themselves to the mobile phones. While other players are mainly focusing on the open source operating systems and online stores, Apple has yet to make a domino’s impression in that domain. The first element is continuity and constant innovation. If innovation is not followed by generation of new kind, it can lead to stagnation. Keeping close to the customers’ demands and responding according to the need enables maintaining effective scoreboard. Customers’ response helps to determine the market trend and the closer to the customers the better. Apple Inc cannot rely only on Apple phone in this regard. Overall sales and market share capture is far from possible with a single product. Besides, Apple Inc has yet to fix its claws firmly and completely with regard to the computer industry. While tablets might give them some presence in the market, but competitors like IBM, Microsoft, Android, all are spear head present and Apple has to create a long-term effective strategy to create a counter and come up with something like the mobile phone or tablet to give them a challenge and ultimately outsmart them. Apple Inc.

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